PlanBørneFondens PigePrisWe are so honoured to be the winner of PlanBørneFondens PigePrisen 2022! Thank you to the jury members who chose us as one of the 3...
Ungdommes Folkemøde 2022On the 7th and 8th of September, I was honored to be a part of Ungdommes Folkemøde 2022. I was attending Ungdommes Folkemøde with the...
Radio Program: SPEJLETA little while ago, I was contacted by Anne-Laura Hedegaard, a reporter for the Danish radio show called ‘Spejlet’, which directly...
DTU Feministik ForumIf there are 2 things, I love then it is talking and equality. Therefore, there is nothing better when these 2 things come as a...
Girls' Day in ScienceOn 6th October 2021, Girls’ Day in Science was celebrated across Denmark. Girls’ Day in Science is a nationwide campaign to celebrate...